Birds of Sweden; Pheasants and Quail by Michael Gehrisch
Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) by Jens Morin
Ottenby & Southern Öland - People, Wildlife and Landscape by Jan-Michael Breider
Black & White Stockholmsbyggnader del 1 by Thor-Leif Fogelberg
Västerås Ångkraftverk 1917-1982 // Västerås Steampower Plant 1917-1982 - Soon gone by Anette Berglinn
Finches, Sparrows & Buntings by Jens Morin
Evening at a forest lake by Jens Morin
Isabelline Shrike by Christer Sundström
Gallinago gallinago by NisseThunell
Near to home...October walk... by Patricia Kay
Tournament of knights by Mark Elert
A walk in the park by Aimea